
Friday, July 15, 2011

Securitron almost ready to be tested!!

Paperjon at CSFG is unfolding it for me right now. just wanted to explain a few things. First I wanted to say this will have to be somewhat big otherwise you could  have some real trouble. I've included the rusty and clean body(frame) texture. Lots of screens to choose from also. 17 screens to be exact lol including alert and neutral screens. Also I have a what I'm calling just "Extra" pdo. I have 2 bases you can choose from. One harder than the other. Also things that are simple like the claws in case the detailed version of them is to hard to make becuase of its size or if u just choose the simple way. Included a slightly scaled down wheel. This is just for support. Not sure if its needed but thought I would add it in case the body weights too much for it. Probally not but have it in there anyways. Any question just ask below.


  1. Send it my way!


  2. Its done right now and I have sent it to someone to test build. Should be built soon. Going to take a little while though becuase its not going to be a easy build. I'm excited to see it as well once built.

  3. pleas evan can you send to me this beautifull model to the

    You are one of the best designers of paper models i have seen
